Be All In

For over 175 years, Beloit College has transformed lives. The Be All In Campaign is our call to support the college for the next 175 years.

I'm All In for Beloit: Are You?

Why they are all in

  • Maddie Ipsen'17

    Maddie Ipsen'17


    Suzanne Cox and Kristin Bonnie were two of my professors in the psychology department. I don’t think I would be where I am in my career as a therapist without their guidance and support. They challenged me to improve as a student while supporting me each step of the way.

    Read how Beloiters like Maddie are All In
  • Christina Hildebrandt'89

    Christina Hildebrandt'89

    Modern Languages and Literatures

    Professor of Russian Nicholas Paley opened my eyes to what an academic life could be like: working for the Vatican, translating Nahuatl, becoming an expert in an obscure but fascinating area. He also inspired me to want to live an inspiring life so that others find inspiration in me!

    Read how Beloiters like Christina are All In
  • Allan Dalcher'70

    Allan Dalcher'70


    Professor Chad Walsh’s book Nellie and Her Flying Crocodile  was one of the first books I ever read. As a freshman in his creative writing class, the topic of children’s books came up, and he said he had no experience in that field. I had to stand up and ask, “What about Nellie?” and he blushed. Never have I witnessed such modesty. He made me a writer.

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  • G. Robert Brakenridge'75

    G. Robert Brakenridge'75


    Professors Hank Woodard, Dick Stenstrom, and John Burger taught the courses I took and led the field trips. They worked together, they had high expectations, and they helped us live up to them. Then at graduation, when I had the opportunity to thank “The Chief,” Hank told me that it was all my own doing, my own hard work. Not true, but what great words to send a new grad off with!

    Read how Beloiters like G. Robert are All In
  • Tom Mullaney'61

    Tom Mullaney'61


    In the fall of 1958, I was a transfer student to Beloit. Professor Les McAllister, as my advisor, was the first staff I met. Other than U.S. Economic History, I can’t remember any other economics courses I took my first semester, but eventually I took all of his. He gave me an interest in economics that continues to this day.

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  • Penelope Althoff'68

    Penelope Althoff'68

    Geology & Anthropology

    Dr. Hank Woodard was an exciting, in-depth, fun professor of geology from whom I learned so much and became a PhD geologist thanks to him. I’ve enjoyed a wonderful career in geological teaching and consulting in my own business.

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  • Hernan Santacruz'19

    Hernan Santacruz'19

    Business Economics

    On my first day at Beloit, Professor Laura Grube made an immediate impact with the devotion and care she showed for her subject matter and for the students there to learn it. In my case, her devotion extended thousands of miles to my hometown of Quito, where her connections helped me land a summer internship at Ecuador’s largest private bank.

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  • Jonathan Mason'80

    Jon Mason'80

    Economics & International Relations

    I hated studying German so much I was about to quit. Then Professor Bob Irrmann convinced me to tough it out so I could attend a seminar in Hamburg the next year. I did. And I not only became fluent in German, I stayed to work there, leading to a long career in international business.

    Read how Beloiters like Jon are All In
  • Mary Riley'90

    Mary Riley'90


    Admissions officer Frank Crivello was my first contact with Beloit College. If he happened to see me walk past Middle College to classes, he’d yell out of his window to flag me down. Then I’d walk over, and we’d chat a bit. That welcoming, supportive gesture was emblematic of my experience at Beloit.

    Read how Beloiters like Mary are All In
  • Alfred Kraemer'73

    Alfred Kraemer'73

    English Literature & Philosophy

    When my father died unexpectedly during my senior year, I hurried home to be with my family. When I got there, Professor Scott Crom had already sent a telegram telling me to stay home as long as I needed and that he and Professor Chad Walsh would talk to my professors. Both men were gentle, caring people who treated students with respect and affection.

    Read how Beloiters like Alfred are All In
  • Katelynn Sinclair'20

    Katelynn Sinclair'20


    My friends were incredibly supportive of me for all four years and beyond. I can’t imagine having anyone better in my life. I’m so happy that we’re still gathering and supporting each other, like at Megan Pollpeter Cullison and Alex Cullison’s wedding with Andy Rich, Lydia Travers, and me (all from the Class of 2020).

    Read how Beloiters like Katelynn are All In
  • Joan Hadley Cabreza'65

    Joan Hadley Cabreza'65


    In 1963, Dr. Carl Welty, head of the Biology Department, called me in and encouraged me to apply for a pilot program in Costa Rica under the new Beloit Plan to begin in 1964. I did, and it altered the entire course of my life, leading to graduate work at the East-West Center in Hawaii (also a Welty suggestion) and eventually to two decades of biological work in Asia and the South Pacific. He was an amazing professor!

    Read how Beloiters like Joan are All In
  • Audrey Grettie'99

    Audrey Grettie'99

    Anthropology/Art History

    Ian Nie, Tamara Hamlish, Nancy Krusko, Jo Ortel, and so many others made my Beloit experience special. I was a naive and sheltered suburban kid when I stepped onto Beloit’s campus in 1994. While I was there, I was introduced to ideas, art, cultures, and people from around the world. I was taught to think critically about world events, the human condition, and ethical issues. It has forever shaped how I move through my life.

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  • Jim Winter'97

    Jim Winter'97

    Creative Writing

    Professor Tom McBride taught me to think differently about the world. His approaches to sharing his vast knowledge with us were unorthodox but always entertaining. He challenged me to see the world differently and consider all perspectives. His unique combination of matter-of-factness and dry humor made learning from him all the more enjoyable.

    Read how Beloiters like Jim are All In
  • Bengisu Erenli Abramsky'93

    Bengisu Erenli Abramsky'93

    Economics, Math & Computer Science

    Professor Jerry Gustafson’63 not only convinced me to leave Turkey to attend Beloit, he helped me gain early admission to the University of Chicago’s MBA program and connected me to a corporate job — all before I even graduated.

    Read how Beloiters like Bengisu are All In

Are you All In for Beloit?

Did becoming a Beloiter change your life?

Did you find your path, your soulmate, your direction, your purpose by being a Beloiter?

Was there one professor, advisor, or alum who went out of their way to see you succeed, or engage you in a transformative conversation you remember to this day?

Do you want to see Beloit thrive?

Then we invite you to Be All In for Beloit College right now.

Why now?

Over the past few years, Beloit has taken the bold step of strengthening its financial position while facing increasing competition for students and highly qualified professors.

The College paid down most of its debt and its leadership drafted the Beloit Action Plan, aimed at making the highly individualized education that sets Beloit apart even more relevant in today’s fast-changing world.

Beloit is now offering more intense student mentoring, a powerful program connecting college to careers, and bigger financial aid packages to help students and their families keep pace with today’s cost of higher education.

Student's enjoying class outside on the Sanger Science Center courtyard.

The Be All In Campaign 

In February 2020, Beloit publicly launched its extraordinary fundraising campaign: Be All In to raise $54 million in unrestricted support over the next five years.

The response from alumni and friends, even during the COVID-19 pandemic, has been extraordinary, indeed.

Your gifts to the campaign allow our students opportunities that will serve them for the rest of their lives—just like your Beloit experiences have served you.

What’s Included in the Be All In Campaign? 

Beloit student outside, pointing and smiling at class mate.

With your investment, Beloit will be here another 175 years.

The changes are paying off

The college has devised a strong five-year financial plan to address the headwinds. Enrollment growth will take several years, so in the meantime, we are asking our alumni and friends to join us in building the runway on which to taxi, until our numbers and net tuition revenue bounce back. 

The great news? The plan is already working. 

  • We’ve received extensive national attention for our COVID response and success, and our happy and participatory students: we are a success story and still the same adventurous, resilient community as always
  • Our retention rates have averaged 98% in the past two years, a sign of huge student satisfaction
  • We were ranked #5 Most Innovative Colleges by US新闻.
  • Giving and engagement are growing.

But there is more to be done. For Beloit to fully implement its Action Plan, it must cover existing financial gaps until enrollment and net tuition revenue fully rebound.

We want the best and brightest to have access to the experiences that only Beloit provides. Today, more than 99 percent of Beloiters receive financial aid—nearly $30 million annually. This support is provided through the generosity of the college’s alumni, parents, and friends: Beloiters supporting Beloiters.

Beloit is the oldest continuously operating private college in Wisconsin and, with your investment, we will be here for the next 175 years.

Students walking across the Powerhouse bridge. Be All In Campaign logo.

We invite you to join us with your gift for this extraordinary campaign and Be All In for Beloit College.

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